Monday, 26 July 2010

Arts and crafts

Rosie found these adorable crochet pumps online. Makes me want to take up crocheting and cross-stitching!

Rosie's spring 2010 mood board

On behalf of the lovely Rose, here is her Spring 2010 mood board. Her inspirations include classic tunes from the Cure and Rolling Stones, which kind of influences the vintage ripped denim, wayfarer wearing music festival vibe of the clothes she is enjoying. She has included some of her favourite beauty products too. xx

Friday, 23 July 2010

Lady in red

I NEED this dress (from Oasis, a UK chain store). Or something like this dress. If anyone knows a good tailor, holla at me.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010


Love, love, love.

Image: Lydia Hearst

Lets colour :)

Another music video that I am watching every day as it makes me so happy. Well, not really a music video but an advert for Dulux Walls 'Lets Colour' project. You can find more about the initiative here...

The video feature's Jonsi's (of Sigur Ros) new single 'Go do.'

And now that you are inspired to paint, check out this gorgeous dress from Zac Posen's Autumn/Winter 2010/11 collection! Loving the velvet and the matching sheer tights!

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Happy music

Nothing to do with fashion, but below are one of my favourite music videos at the moment,'Kickstarts' by Example. Makes me feel all hyperactive!

Monday, 19 July 2010


So when people ask my charming sister where she bought something, her answer is 'not telling.'
I am slightly different, often choosing to launch into a detailed story that nobody cares about on exactly when and how and why I am wearing something.
Most often, I go on about how cheap the item was and how I almost didn't spot it as it was lying on the floor etc. My endearing love of the bargain is often at its brightest in the aisles of Mr Price. A particularly successful shopping trip the other day saw me buying the below jersey. I just love the ripped detail.
On surfing the Topshop blog I noticed that one of the buyers was photographed wearing a jersey dress with a similar 'ripped knit' concept. Except hers was purchased from TopShop boutique for 135 pounds and mine was around R130 (I think). Bargain!